• Virginia, USA

The Letter “E” and What it Should Mean

Since my father’s passing in 2007, I’ve come to realize exactly how “spot on” he was in all he said and did. Prior to 2007, I knew my father was a successful businessman who possessed the necessary business acumen and common sense to make excellent decisions, but I sometimes questioned how truly intelligent he may have been thinking my mother […]

Open-Heart Surgery

As the Baby Boomer approaches his 72nd birthday, 2024 has proven to be quite the year! But first, please allow me to digress. Throughout my career where I was thought of as a leader with leadership skills, building positive relationships was extremely important in being able to attain set goals. Whenever I was asked how I was, my immediate response […]

Reflecting on Growing Up “Back in the Day”

“Back in the day”, growing up in Arlington, VA in the 1950’s and 60’s, I was fortunate enough to have parents whose priority was ME and they provided me with a wonderful childhood. They created a family structure where there were expectations and accountability. They gave me the tools and resources to make good decisions and with every decision they […]

A Look Back at 2023 & My Resolve for 2024

The week between Christmas and New Years is seemingly always a time of reflection on the year which is about to end. It’s impossible to escape as TV is continuously reminding us of this with a plethora of newsworthy events and a “look back” at those who’ve we lost this year. It, at times, is somewhat interesting at first, but […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! It’s the holiday filled with tradition that’s not about giving or receiving, but just about family and, of course, eating too much! I love Thanksgiving, not for any recent established traditions, but for the family traditions “back in the day” growing up in Arlington, VA. My father was a prolific high school athlete attending GW […]

Regrets, I’ve Had A Few

My Environment Growing Up Overall, the environment I grew up in “back in the day”, being an only child, was wonderful, but it didn’t come without its challenges. Namely a father whose genetics, DNA, and heredity were passed down to me. And, of course, being that only child, I was the focus of my father’s eye. In other words, there […]

Mi Familia

There’s nothing more important than family and I’m so very glad I finally realized that before it was too late being one who matured later in life once they got away from sipping that “corporate Kool-Aid”. Bottom line–I didn’t have my priorities in order for a very, very long time! Thank goodness for my wife of 44 years, La Bear, […]