• Virginia, USA

My Father’s Love of Sports “Back in the Day”

As I’ve explained before, my father was a prolific athlete at George Washington High School (GW) in Alexandria being named All-State in football, basketball, and baseball in the late 1930’s before WWII. No doubt, he had a love of sports which he followed throughout his entire life, and as his son, the Baby Boomer also loved sports and was fortunate […]

“Gone from the Frying Pan into the Fire”

The Baby Boomer doesn’t usually enjoy talking about “hot button” topics like politics, but due too so many folks fanatically being so outlandishly emotional about this year’s presidential election you’ve forced me to provide you with some “common sense thoughts” “from one man’s perspective” as we’ve “gone from the frying pan into the fire”. Hey, I’m extremely upset as well, […]


As the Baby Boomer turned 72 years old this week, he is grateful–very grateful! Why? I’ve often described my life using the Seasons of the Year–Spring, for my youth; Summer, for my young adulthood; Fall, for my later adulthood; and Winter, for my last years. At 72 years of age, I’ve certainly more than entered the Winter of my life. […]

The Baby Boomer Turns 72…

And Baby Bear Hijacks His Blog! Well! Well! Well! For the past 365 days, the Baby Boomer, has not so quietly, reminded his family, on a near daily basis, about the biggest day of the year: September 4th! And wouldn’t you know it, we have arrived, and not to fret, as much as the Baby Boomer thinks we may let […]