• Virginia, USA

Building A Team

For some unknown reason, throughout my 32-year corporate career in the supermarket industry and my 20-year hobby career in the transportation industry, I have always been tasked with building a team. Over that time, most would probably say, I had a knack for building successful teams. Upon reflection, this knack didn’t require any brilliance for brilliant I’m not. It wasn’t […]


“Back in the day” as a youngster, I often wondered why older people so much enjoyed rocking on the front porch in their rocking chairs. Now, I know why, especially, while transitioning between the Seasons–in this case from Summer to Fall. Throughout my career, I was taught to be impatient and flexible as we strove for perfection, but excellence was […]

A Boy’s Best Friend

Who was your best friend as a boy when you were growing up? I’m certainly not sure, but I’d bet it was your mother. At least, in my case, my mother was this boy’s best friend. “Back in the day” most moms were those who stayed at home. Unfortunately, that’s not the case anymore and, hoping you agree, our institution […]

Our Recent Visit Home

La Bear and the Baby Boomer recently headed from The Compound for a weekend in Northern Virginia–our recent visit home. The trip up North started well on this Saturday morning, that is, until we entered Stafford County on I-95. I’ve certainly made more than my fair share of runs up and down I-95 for the twenty years I was in […]