• Virginia, USA

Movies From “Back in the Day”

The Baby Boomer, upon reflection, very much enjoyed going to, what I called, the “movie house” “back in the day”. The following is, by no means, a totally inclusive movie list which I saw, but rather a nice representation just to get you to reflect and jar your memory on the movies from your childhood and teenage years 1956-1970. As […]

The Music of My Youth Lives On

“Back in the day” the Baby Boomer enjoyed the music from the 60’s and guess what? Yep, the music of my youth still lives on today. How can one not love the music of the 60’s!! Desiring my own portable stereophonic record player for my room, my parents were kind enough to contribute to the purchase, as long as, I […]

My Tribute To A True Friend

This week, I lost a man who was very near and dear to the Baby Boomer and, although I’m speaking in the past tense, he knew how I felt. Each time we were together, even though time passed, in just moments, we fell into a comfort zone like it was as if we saw one another each and every day. […]

Reflections–Junior High School & High School

As I continue to reflect on the Baby Boomer’s life, I’ve been recalling those wonderfully blissful years from “back in the day” when living was carefree without any real responsibilities. Yes, those teenage years while attending Stratford Junior High School (1964-1967) and Washington-Lee High School (W-L) (1967-1970) in Arlington, VA are filled with so many fond memories. Entering seventh grade […]