• Virginia, USA

Not A Fan of the Words “Can’t” and “Too Busy”

Throughout my career and since my retirement last year, I’ve never been a fan of the words “can’t” and “too busy” as I consider them to be cop-outs. More specifically, using these words is merely just an excuse and a crutch for not being able to do what you should be doing when you should be doing it. The use […]

Today’s Lack of STANDARDS–Why?

“Back in the day”, I was so fortunate to have “cut my baby teeth” as I embarked on my supermarket career with a company like Giant Food. As a member of the Career Development Program (CDP) at Giant, I was provided with the most comprehensive and thorough training available at the time. Seldom, if ever, were you provided with an […]

“MBWA”–The Key to Relationship Building

“Back in the day” while working with Giant Food going through their Career Development Program (CDP), I was introduced to “MBWA” which stood for “Managing By Walking Around”. Many in the business community credit Hewlett-Packard in the late 70’s for introducing “MBWA” into the workplace as noted in the 1982 book “In Search of Excellence” by Tom Peters. But in […]

“Weekly Message” Lessons Taught

Having transitioned from a 32-year career in retail supermarket operations to a 20-year hobby in the professional chauffeured transportation industry, I’ve had the opportunity to be focused on providing nothing other than superior service, taught to me early on while at Giant Food in the Washington, DC area where their mission statement was simple and directly to the point (quality, […]

You Can’t Teach Leadership

Having spent over two decades in the luxury livery industry, I’ve had the opportunity to drive a large throng of executives who were leaders in their companies, but very few ever exemplified any leadership. It’s through this experience where I’ve come to the conclusion you can’t teach leadership! Leadership is only afforded to the very few and those few are […]

Which Are You? Eagle or Duck

Being a “Type A” workaholic, I enjoyed, what I’ve been told, was an extremely successful 50-year professional career although, personally, that could be up for some considerable debate. The first 30 years were spent in the supermarket and supercenter industry, while these final 20 years were in professional livery service. I’ve been known as both the Grocery Guy and the […]