• Virginia, USA


“Back in the day” as a youngster, I often wondered why older people so much enjoyed rocking on the front porch in their rocking chairs. Now, I know why, especially, while transitioning between the Seasons–in this case from Summer to Fall.

Throughout my career, I was taught to be impatient and flexible as we strove for perfection, but excellence was accepted never becoming complacent nor completely satisfied. Today, I’ve reluctantly mellowed to a point where I’m much more patient yet still flexible, but change takes longer and is more difficult to accept. I still strive for perfection now realizing it will never be achieved. I’m certainly not complacent, but I will say much more content. The world has me in a tailspin, but being here at The Compound with La Bear and Master M is very satisfying and relaxing.

Yes, I do like sitting on the front porch, especially, in the late afternoon. We had a very long, hot Summer this year at The Compound. La Bear likes to keep our home chilly which very much pleased the Virginia Dominion Power Company–I wasn’t quite so happy! Of course, I’m sitting in my rocker and I’m, indeed, rocking. This is the first week during this seasonal transition that daytime high temperatures are in the low 60’s while overnight temperatures are dipping down into the 40’s. In other words, there’s a chill in the air which is a welcome relief from the intense heat and humidity now that the pool is officially closed.

The leaves are beginning to fall and continuously fall like a gentle rain as they seemingly appear to be floating to the ground. These leaves, though, aren’t showing much color. They’re mostly brown and crisp to the touch making me think they also suffered somewhat during the heat and humidity from this Summer which is a bit disturbing. The Compound sits on ten acres of which six of those acres are wooded as we are hoping to look forward to the array of colors we’ll soon be able to enjoy as the weather continues to turn colder.

So, sitting on the front porch in my rocking chair and rocking with our home sitting on top of a hill which overlooks, what we call, the meadow, now. almost completely covered with fallen leaves. I welcome the Fall, but not because of its beauty which is really short-lived, but for the relief it brings after the long, hot Summer.

Winter is my least favorite season during the year and for all the obvious reasons, especially, now as I can truly relate to the fact that I’ve entered the Winter of my life. Spring, of course, is my favorite season as The Compound bursts with color and the leaves again are growing and greening on the trees. Temperatures begin to warm up to a comfortable level bidding Winter farewell.

Living here in Virginia, we do enjoy four distinct seasons. I will admit they’re not nearly as distinct as they were “back in the day’, but nothing is really the same as it once was–is it? As I’ve gotten older, my body doesn’t acclimate to the extremes of both Summer and Winter as I seemingly look forward to Fall just to escape Summer and to Spring in order to leave the dreaded Winter behind.

I used to be busy, not too busy mind you, but always using all eight cylinders going well over one hundred miles per hour. It took a while for me to slow down and transition to being comfortable with retirement, but I believe I’ve finally made the transition although I still have the need for focus and purpose while now running on only four cylinders.

The coronavirus pandemic which we’ve been attempting to endure since 2020 drastically changed the world as I knew it and definitely changed my perception of the world; thus, our move to The Compound as a means of escape. I’ve developed a routine which makes me feel safe and comfortable knowing that’s all any of us really need. Yet, I believe I’ve become a bit too comfortable as it’s troubling on those occasions I must leave The Compound–I have trouble transitioning.

This past Saturday, we had a number or errands to run taking us back into the city of Richmond. We ran into a bit of traffic and everywhere we went was crowded. Before watching Master M, we’d often go out for lunch and enjoy doing that, but although this was our plan on Saturday, we decided we’d have lunch at home instead. La Bear and I came to a conclusion and agreed that traffic and crowds used to never bother us, but they do today and going out to lunch wasn’t that enjoyable anymore. When I had to go into a store, I didn’t feel safe and I didn’t feel comfortable. The folks I encountered, both shoppers and workers, appeared to be needlessly rushing around and, certainly, didn’t seem to be happy or enjoying themselves as the stores were poorly stocked not having anything I wanted which was very disappointing. Yes, I’m having trouble transitioning.

So, to feel safe and be comfortable transitioning, we’ve decided to go to one grocery store and one gas station close to The Compound. We may occasionally go out to a late lunch once the crowds have dispersed, but we may not. Any other needed goods and services will be purchased online–we’re keeping it simple. Whew!!

As I’ve entered the Winter of my life, I’m trying to stay in contact with old friends and rekindle some relationships with those from “back in the day”. I just didn’t realize what an effort it would become to simply stay in contact. It’s difficult to get folks together and it’s even more difficult for me to understand why. Please don’t tell me you’re “too busy” ’cause you know what I think about that and who at 72 years of age could possibly be that freakin’ busy? It’s certainly befuddling to me!

While speaking of transitioning, I will say the Spring of my life was wonderful. I was young, each day was new and exciting, life was carefree, there was no stress or strain, and truly little responsibility. The Summer of my life was suddenly very different. I felt real stress for the first time, life became competitive, finding oneself was a bit challenging, it was time to find a career path, and now there was financial responsibility. The Fall of my life was busy, being married and raising a family, sipping too much “corporate Kool-Aid”, finally maturing and getting my priorities in order, achieving financial comfort, and dealing with aging parents and relatives. Now, being in the Winter of my life I’m frightened for I’m in my last Season, I’ve never cared more for my family, I hope I won’t become a burden, I’m content, I’m safe and comfortable, I’m fortunate and grateful knowing tomorrow is never promised, and I want to survive hoping my Winter will last longer than I deserve.

I now take the time to reflect, reminisce, enjoy simple things like leaves falling from the trees onto the ground while enjoying the sunshine, blue skies, puffy clouds, and just holding the hand of La Bear while we’re rocking on the front porch. Just sayin’, perhaps, it’s not only the Seasons that are transitioning! Hmmm?

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