• Virginia, USA
Presidential Office

Presidential Office

It’s still so early and I truly don’t mean to make a “mockery” out of the “debauchery” of this upcoming presidential election, but I’m minimally hopeful with another Republican will make a significant impact and come to the forefront to somehow, someway, come out of the “pack” and put a dent into Trump’s huge lead as I’m in a “DUMP TRUMP” frame of mind not really wanting to endure another four years of “The Donald” and his 4 indictments. I will say one thing’s for sure–I cannot endure hardly another moment, let alone another possibility of “four more” from “Sleepy Joe” or the potential of Kamala taking the helm with Biden in his 80’s. Right here and right now I believe a most viable alternative is “The Rock”!! I support “The Rock” for POTUS!!