• Virginia, USA

When Confused–Just Say It’s 2023!

As the years go by, I become more confused, but I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not because of me, but because of everything else around me. “Back in the day”, I was seldom confused as everything was “normal”. Today, and especially since what occurred in 2020, the term “new normal” has reappeared replacing the term “normal” which to me […]

Which Are You? Eagle or Duck

Being a “Type A” workaholic, I enjoyed, what I’ve been told, was an extremely successful 50-year professional career although, personally, that could be up for some considerable debate. The first 30 years were spent in the supermarket and supercenter industry, while these final 20 years were in professional livery service. I’ve been known as both the Grocery Guy and the […]

Life’s Influencers

“Back in the day”, as I was growing up early on, my life’s influencers were the cement which kept those initial building blocks intact and solidly bound together. As a teenager, additional influencers were added to strengthen the existing foundation, and finally as a young adult and onward, more influencers came to the forefront to reinforce what was already in […]

Regrets, I’ve Had A Few

My Environment Growing Up Overall, the environment I grew up in “back in the day”, being an only child, was wonderful, but it didn’t come without its challenges. Namely a father whose genetics, DNA, and heredity were passed down to me. And, of course, being that only child, I was the focus of my father’s eye. In other words, there […]

Mi Familia

There’s nothing more important than family and I’m so very glad I finally realized that before it was too late being one who matured later in life once they got away from sipping that “corporate Kool-Aid”. Bottom line–I didn’t have my priorities in order for a very, very long time! Thank goodness for my wife of 44 years, La Bear, […]

Presidential Office

It’s still so early and I truly don’t mean to make a “mockery” out of the “debauchery” of this upcoming presidential election, but I’m minimally hopeful with another Republican will make a significant impact and come to the forefront to somehow, someway, come out of the “pack” and put a dent into Trump’s huge lead as I’m in a “DUMP […]


Although I never served in our armed forces, just like you, I’m still a proud American patriot red, white, and blue through and through. I’ve never been one to show much emotion, but now, at age 71, at times I can find myself often getting a bit misty-eyed for no apparent reason except realizing I’m actually now mortal. An example […]