• Virginia, USA
American Society
“I’m Mad as Hell, and I’m Not Going to Take This Anymore!”

“I’m Mad as Hell, and I’m Not Going to Take This Anymore!”

Doubting this is a quote which only pertains to me. I’m betting the vast majority of sane Americans today feel exactly the same way with today’s insane society–it’s just awful! It’s the total reason our family chose to escape and establish “The Compound” early in 2021!

This quote and the title of this post comes from the 1976 Academy Award for Best Picture nominee, the movie “Network”, in which Peter Finch was the posthumous winner of the Academy Award for Best Actor and strikes me as apropos today in 2023.

So generally speaking, why am I mad as hell and what were a couple of specifics that fueled the escape to “The Compound”. We’re in the midst of a “me” society which has become very selfish and greedy where we only care about ourselves instead of a “we” society, which I was accustomed to in the 50’s and 60’s, where we cared about each other, looked out for one another, and would sacrifice for the betterment of all. Everyone today is so angry, self-centered, and just plain nasty as decency no longer exists. There is no sense of structure in today’s society, no standards, no loyalty, and certainly no accountability. We’ve become very confrontational in a negative way as politeness has all, but disappeared, and civil discourse is a thing of the past. Our country, in 2020, was ill-prepared to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and was unable to protect our society from enduring the loss of over 1.1 million American lives representing more than 3.5% of our population which is just under the number of total lives lost, in war, from 1775-2023 amounting to over 1.2 million Americans of which 620,00 fatalities were from the American Civil War alone. Then “racism” again reared its ugly head further deteriorating our society with the daily reign of terror being perpetuated by violent rioting, looting, death, and destruction. Our family became extremely disconcerted, beginning to “look over our shoulder’, feeling uncomfortable, and a bit unsafe, thus, the escape.

Additionally, I’m just sick and tired of everyone being so-called “politically correct”. I shudder at the word “diversity” and its impact(?) on everything, special interest groups enrage me, the federal government is out of control, gender dysphoria sickens me along with the LGBTQIA2S community (OMG), the far left and the far right, Congress, the liberal media, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, “lobbyists” and “Beltway Bandits”, do-gooders, tree-huggers, environmentalists, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, unreal reality TV, and “E” representing “excessiveness” vs “enough”.

I could go on and on and on, but that’s enough for now. Whew!! I feel so much better! So, these are some of the reasons why “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”.

Just one more thought before signing off and it’s on the topic of foreign aid. Yes, I believe in a strong military and patriotically support those in uniform protecting the United States of America and the freedoms of our democracy. I also understand we must come to the aid of other democratic countries who oppose communism, terrorism, dictators, and countries like Russia, China, and Iran. But I also feel strongly that we have, domestically, immense opportunities which could be better served if we were as committed to them as we are to foreign aid. Since World War II and the onset of the “Cold War”, the United States has provided $3.75 trillion to foreign aid and $75 billion to Ukraine alone in the past year with much more on the horizon. We’ve gotta get a handle on, not only the spending, but how the spending is spent as our gross national debt has just surpassed $33 trillion!!