• Virginia, USA

When Confused–Just Say It’s 2023!

As the years go by, I become more confused, but I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not because of me, but because of everything else around me. “Back in the day”, I was seldom confused as everything was “normal”. Today, and especially since what occurred in 2020, the term “new normal” has reappeared replacing the term “normal” which to me […]

Life’s Influencers

“Back in the day”, as I was growing up early on, my life’s influencers were the cement which kept those initial building blocks intact and solidly bound together. As a teenager, additional influencers were added to strengthen the existing foundation, and finally as a young adult and onward, more influencers came to the forefront to reinforce what was already in […]


Although I never served in our armed forces, just like you, I’m still a proud American patriot red, white, and blue through and through. I’ve never been one to show much emotion, but now, at age 71, at times I can find myself often getting a bit misty-eyed for no apparent reason except realizing I’m actually now mortal. An example […]