An Introduction to the “Unveiling” of From One Man’s Perspective
Now that it appears I am completely retired for the first time in my life at age 71, and a person who needs both purpose and focus to survive, I’ve decided to embark on this journey of reflection and provide some common sense thoughts from a baby boomer. First and foremost, being retired isn’t in my DNA!
I was born in Alexandria, VA in 1952, yet raised in Arlington, VA from 1954 on when my parents moved to Colonial Village where my father was the GM until his retirement in 1986. Being an only child, although somewhat challenging in staying engaged and fighting stretches of loneliness, I was fortunate to have a wonderful childhood where I was the #1 priority in my parent’s lives growing up with a “silver spoon” in my mouth, but my folks made certain I didn’t take for granted this advantage by being sure I appreciated my good fortune. They taught me early on the importance of developing a good work ethic as our small family had a strict daily structure with built-in standards and expectations. All was good as long as I was able to conform to the standards and expectations, and they were excellent in laying down the building blocks for me to make the right decisions knowing that for every decision made there was a consequence–some good and some not so good as there was accountability. Growing up in a disciplined environment taught me to be very self-disciplined which, I can say, has served me very well throughout my life.
I was able to have almost anything I wanted, but to get it, I had to earn it which meant I had to go to work. My father first put me to work when I was 12 years old which meant I’ve worked for 59 years–a very long time. When you’ve done something for that long and it comes to an end, that’s a huge adjustment especially when you’re someone who needs both purpose and focus. So, in coming to terms with this new dilemma, the idea of producing a blog was born as a means to that end.
I’m certainly a traditionalist and really very old-fashioned in my beliefs. My friends say I’m frugal, but my enemies would say I’m cheap–my enemies are right! Today, politically, I consider myself to be an Independent with moderate beliefs. “Back in the day” as a young man, I was more of a conservative Democrat, but today I lean to support Republicans. Honestly, I used to vote for candidates, but today I tend to vote more against candidates and unfortunately have found myself not being able to come to terms to vote for anyone at all–a truly sad state of affairs.
As an only child, I would consider myself to be a “loner”, somewhat aloof with few friends, and certainly high-strung. Most people believe I’m an extrovert, but that’s not the case as I’m truly an introvert who has gained the ability to build relationships by being somewhat of a good role player. I’m not very trusting, yet I care far more about “we” rather than “me”, it’s truly better to give than receive, I’m passionate in all endeavors, compassionate to a fault for those I care about, considered to be a “workaholic” by most having excellent work ethic, and maintaining my integrity means everything to me. However, the most important thing in my life is my family!
I’m proud to be an American, but today I’m not very proud of America. I’m not certain what happened to our society in 2020, but it’s very ugly. Our society is filled with greed and selfishness, anger and hatred, a lack of civility and respect, and I no longer feel safe–so I escaped with my family.
In 2021, we all moved together from the suburbs of Richmond, VA out to the country in a secluded area in Hanover County which we call “The Compound”. Yep, we escaped society and we have no regrets. But in order to fulfill my need for purpose and focus, I’ve turned to blogging.
It’s my plan to just “spout off” about all sorts of stuff with no hidden agenda and no “rhyme or reason”. Yes, there’ll be reflection from “back in the day” and what I consider to be some common sense thoughts about “today”. Believe me I’m only doing this for me and I don’t really care if a “following” is developed as my hope is to just maintain my sanity in this insane society. I’m just going to let my mind describe what’s in my heart. It’s not my intention to “ruffle feathers” so please be somewhat tolerant. WTBS, you’re certainly invited to participate with your thoughts and comments and you’re encouraged to do so as long as our discourse remains civil.
So, without further ado, let’s unveil this blog–from a baby boomer!