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Just Ramblin’ On

Just Ramblin’ On

Yep, this Baby Boomer is at a point once again where he’s just “ramblin’ on”. I wouldn’t say I’m at the point of anger, but rather disgust and disappointment–that’s my own fault. Please allow me to explain.

Upon some reflection, I believe my life has evolved around three major vices which have acted as a soothing salve facing the challenges life presents and my personal ability to deal with them. Of the 58 years I was involved in the workforce, 55 of those years were involved in the service retail industry–the first 23 years were spent in supermarkets either in the stores or store operations, another 12 years in the combined environment of both supermarket and general merchandise store operations, and the last 20 years in operating a black car livery service.

I don’t know for sure if I had it to do all over again, I would choose this field for my career as it was always very demanding and extremely stressful with terrible hours including evenings and weekends and the monthly P&L anxiety. Each day was different as no two days were ever alike and I certainly wasn’t stuck behind a desk which was a very good thing knowing that would’ve driven me absolutely crazy. I always felt I thrived on the work stress, but the stress my career placed on the family took its toll over time as did the physical toll by being on your feet on hard-surfaced floors for hours each and every day which eventually led to two knee replacement surgeries. Mind you, sports, both football and baseball, didn’t help, as well as, the Baby Boomer is a big guy.

My wife, La Bear, and I were committed to having a partnership in all this as she chose to be a stay-at-home mom which certainly bode well for raising a family. She was as dedicated to the family as I was loyal to my work. If it weren’t for her and her ability to multi-task and juggle not only the children, but all the other responsibilities associated with running a household, we would’ve never made it. Overall, though, her biggest challenge was ME–meaning my priorities were all out of sorts as I was sipping the “corporate Kool-Aid” and being thought of as a manic workaholic which was my first vice giving me the much- needed focus and purpose that is an essential need of mine.

As previously stated, I finally retired this past summer at age 70 and began this blog in October as the replacement means to provide me with some focus and purpose. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get the needed “fix” from this activity realizing early on that I need more even at this stage of my life. Total relaxation in retirement is not in my DNA and I suppose in that there should be some shame.

My second vice was the evening enjoyment of fine cigars which created an environment I could easily relax in, thus, helping to relieve some of the overall stress. However, 10 years ago, I gave that guilty pleasure up because it was time and the right thing to do after 40 years. I’ve really never looked back and haven’t had an inkling for a cigar since the day I quit. It was a very wise decision to give cigars up before some “doc” told me I had too.

Enjoying cocktails in the evening, along with a fine cigar “back in the day”, was the ultimate way for me to relax and be able to “chill” and was my third vice. We had a 48 hour “bug” run through the family in early January and I, not feeling well, knew I wouldn’t be enjoying any cocktails. WTBS, I just decided it was the right time not only to curtail my alcohol consumption, but to drop some needed “lbs”. I’m certainly not going to be a “teetotaler” by any means, but I’ve virtually eliminated booze from my daily enjoyment and have dropped nearly 30 pounds in the process.

I’ve been fortunate enough to not have any serious health issues in my life, but as we all know, it’s only a matter of time before it all catches up to you and I must admit I am feeling physically better. But definitely not mentally better and that’s simply because I’ve eliminated these three vices of mine which provided me with the means to face life’s challenges and just be able to relax a bit.

La Bear, when I was drinking daily, would tell me by the end of the night, liquor, at times, would have an impact on my personality. Now, that I’m only occasionally imbibing, La Bear proclaims it’s also having an impact on my personality and has even gone so far as to say she wanted the OLD Baby Boomer back just proving you can never satisfy La Bear! Sorta reminds me of the Mary Wells song “Two Lovers”. In any case, I’m doomed whether I drink or not!

I truly don’t miss any of my three self-proclaimed vices, but I desperately need to find something challenging enough to cure my need for focus and purpose so I can remain somewhat sane. Sitting on the front porch of The Compound and rocking in the rocking chair admiring the serenity is not a remedy. I’ve read virtually everything I’ve ever wanted to read and more than enough of what I didn’t want to read, but had to read! Volunteering has never been very rewarding nor has working with non-profits–too much advantage taking and egos getting in the way of accomplishing anything.

My love for golf, although not a vice, was taken away when I tore my patellar tendon when I slipped on a wet patio requiring surgery and a full leg cast for 8 insufferable weeks. I only survived this ordeal–mentally, physically, and emotionally–because of La Bear, who, like always for the past 44 years, was by my side helping me in any and every way each and every moment of each and every day! Not really certain why she has hung in there with me as she certainly deserves better! All I know is I’m very, very fortunate!

So, now that I’m in this current state of mind, what is it that disgusts and disappoints me? The unfortunate truth is practically everything! WTBS, I’m just going to get this off of my chest and just list SOME of the stuff that is driving this Baby Boomer absolutely crazy!!

Other than Major League Baseball, professional sports, in general, disgusts me and I’m no longer a fan. Too much money–for the commissioners, the coaches, the players, the tickets, parking, lousy concessions with long lines, and distasteful fans who don’t know how to be civil! I still do very much enjoy professional and college baseball and am looking forward to the new season. To charge the exorbitant amount of money to attend live sporting events today is not only unfathomable, but un-American!

It’s so very disappointing that both professional athletes and those in the entertainment industry think they’re qualified to do anything except play their sport and entertain. I don’t really care what they think about anything and just want them to shut-up and just do what they’re supposed to do!

I’ve got 2000 channels on my TV and it’s so disappointing there’s really nothing worth watching. “Back in the day”, we had Channel 4 (NBC), Channel 5 (Local WTTG), Channel 7 (ABC), and Channel 9 (CBS) and almost everything on TV was great–it was even hard to choose what you really wanted to watch at any given time.

It’s so disgusting that the best we have in America running for President are two 80-year-olds the likes of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Now, we’ve still 10 months to put up with this crap! Really? Can’t we do any better? Still holding out and hoping we can!

Generally speaking, politicians and how they act are both disappointing and disgusting. They can’t have civil discourse and disagree amicably. Because of this, they get absolutely nothing done. “Back in the day”, they got things done, worked well together, and respected each other treating everyone with respect.

President Biden and the FED say inflation is under control and the economy is good. Well, from my point of view that’s BS and their telling me to believe something which isn’t true is so disappointing.

We never watch what little television we do live anymore as we tape it all. The major reason to do this is to avoid all the advertisements which are so disgusting. They’re terrible and so repetitive–pharma, attorneys, home improvement, and soon the onslaught of political ads. What’s also disgusting to me are the majority of ads that don’t represent the majority of our society as they attempt to be politically correct and not offend anyone. Well, quite frankly, they offend me terribly! I’ll not get off on a tangent and just leave it at that as it infuriates me daily.

The liberal media disgusts me to the point we no longer watch the news other than taping 30 minutes of the national evening news which we generally get through very quickly. Aren’t reporters just supposed to report the news and not offer opinions?

I’m disappointed in entertainment because it doesn’t entertain. There’s seemingly always some point attempting to be made rather than just entertaining. Hey, aren’t we seeking entertainment to escape this miserable reality we’re faced with everyday?

It’s so disgusting continually having to hear how everyone is being discriminated against. Well, because of all this banter, I feel as if I’m being discriminated against and in my case it’s called reverse discrimination!

Special interest groups lobbying for just about anything and with this “in your face” attitude disgusts me. Especially those related to gender identity and those representing the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.2S+ community. It’s so, so disgusting.

The lack of education in our public schools today is extremely disappointing just as the ease in obtaining a BA or BS degree. I’ve never been a proponent of children being home-schooled as “back in the day” I felt we received an excellent public school education and earning my BA was a lot of very hard work. But today I’m changing my mind and thinking home-schooling might prove to be a better alternative.

I enjoy history and especially American history. So, to see the removal of historical statues and the name changing of streets and highways, schools, military bases, and buildings is disturbing. I can’t believe anyone who has any sense whatsoever believes this practice solves what seems to be evolved around the issue of race as it solves absolutely nothing!

Finally, I wish to say the way so many show such little or no respect for our veterans, first responders, police officers, and most importantly our current armed forces service members is not only disappointing but disgusting. We owe so much to these heroes where all have given some and some have given all!

So, as you see, I need your help. Please help me by providing me with ways for me to fulfill my need for focus and purpose. I look forward to all of your suggestions. Thanks!

1 thought on “Just Ramblin’ On

    • Author gravatar

      I agree with almost everything you have written. We are both older men yelling for the kids to get off our lawn. I missed a lot of family events by putting work, and the money I made, first. I never planned to have career in retail. Life just happened. Take care Old Friend.

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