• Virginia, USA
It Was “Destiny”

It Was “Destiny”

When it comes to the upcoming general and presidential elections, I vote as an Independent. This means I vote for both Democrats and Republicans not because of one’s party affiliation, but for what the candidates stand for and how it aligns with my own beliefs. At this stage of my life, I consider myself to be a fiscal conservative, a social moderate, and as concerned with foreign relations an interventionist with limits. As a young man living in the Commonwealth of Virginia, I was a member of the Young Democrats and supported the Democratic Party–but as a more conservative Southern and Byrd Democrat. I did switch parties when Governor Mills Godwin ran again for governor in 1973, as a Republican, and remained a Republican until becoming an Independent in 2006.

As far as this year’s presidential election goes, I’ve been in both a “Dump Trump” and “Joe’s Gotta Go” mode wondering how I’m to cast my vote which is an American privilege I cherish. Unfortunately, I’ve not been a fan of those who have run to become POTUS over the last several elections pushing me to become an Independent. My votes have been cast, across the board, not for who I really supported (not being thrilled with the offerings), but instead based solely on the “lesser of two evils”. The question is why, with more than 255 million Americans eligible to vote, why we can’t find better candidates running for office?

As you may recall from an earlier post, my personal “day of infamy”, taking away the quote from FDR in reference to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, was November 22, 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated. But I will tell you what occurred this past Saturday in Butler, PA when former President Trump survived an assassination attempt by mere millimeters is beyond my comprehension–it was “destiny”!

Being an agnostic, I can’t say I’m a believer in “divine intervention”, but, folks, there’s a reason Donald Trump survived this assassination attempt and it’s a reason far beyond my degree of comprehension. Perhaps, it was “divine intervention”–I tend to believe Donald Trump is destined to be our POTUS once again–it was “destiny”.

Thanks so much to those brave Secret Service agents who immediately dove into action shielding the former President and securely getting him away from the venue. Thanks, as well, to the Secret Service sniper who took out the assassin. Heartfelt condolences for Corey Comperatore losing his life protecting his family. Best wishes on a speedy recovery to both David Dutch and James Copenhaver who were also shot during the assassination attempt. Kudos to those spectators who spotted the assassin, but to no avail, as authorities failed to respond to their pleas.

Each day there are new reports concerning the ongoing investigation into the assassination attempt and the inexcusable lapse by the Secret Service to protect the former President seemingly aware of the movements of the assassin at least an hour prior to the trigger being pulled hitting Trump in the ear. I will tell you that I cannot understand for the life of me why the Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, has not resigned (a truly classless act) or been fired by Joe Biden (another reprehensible act).

I’ve grown to realize most of us fall into one of two categories–you’re either a “fighter” or a “quitter”. Having come in contact with so many people throughout my 52-year career, there are far more “quitters” than “fighters” who prove to be a rare commodity. “Quitters” run and hide and avoid meeting confrontation head-on instead attempting to ignore situations and “sweep them under the rug”; “fighters” always get up and bounce back immediately ready to fight again. “Quitters” tend to feel sorry for themselves and feel woeful for the “hand life has dealt” them while “fighters” take their hand and throw away discards, getting new cards in order to achieve a stronger hand. “Fighters” never settle–“quitters” always settle!

Saturday, Donald Trump not only proved to me, but to all of America, and the entire world that he is a “fighter”! When lifted by the Secret Service, once the all-clear was given, he rose to his feet lifting his right arm high and yelled “fight, fight, fight”. This from a man who survived the unspeakable, yet wasn’t supposed too, and probably shouldn’t have survived–it was “destiny”!

He has been vehemently persecuted and hated by the Democrats, the far-left, and the media. He has been impeached, vilified, prosecuted, brought to trial, and supposedly found guilty as a felon. He hasn’t necessarily helped himself in the way he behaves and suffers from many human frailties which must haunt him–making him extremely difficult to like and support. But Donald Trump has survived the chaos and every challenge which he has faced–he is a “fighter”, not afraid to meet confrontation head-on, who always gets up and always will–he will never give up!

On the other hand, President Joe Biden is frail and weak. He no longer has the mental acuity to be the POTUS any longer. It appears after much pressure from his fellow Democrats, donors, and supporters that Biden may take the “high road”, lose his stubbornness, be humbled, and step aside. If indeed this happens, then the Democrats may be stuck with Vice President Harris unless someone else is seen to “save the day”. Who that someone is becomes anyone’s guess, although, many point to Michelle Obama. No matter who the Democrats pick as their nominee, it’s certainly no one I, personally, could ever support.

I believe the experience of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump has humbled him. He appears to be much more presidential in his actions at the RNC. This RNC was extremely well-run and the “cry” for unity has been well-received. JD Vance was a good choice to become the next VPOTUS. Certainly, everything, right now, is going in the way of the Republicans. Only time will tell as the first Tuesday in November is still over three months away and certainly a lot can happen between now and then.

For me, I just can’t get all the images of what occurred Saturday out of my mind. How did Donald Trump survive? Why did Donald Trump survive? I do believe in “destiny” and I believe Donald Trump is destined to be POTUS once again. Yes, it is “destiny”, but somehow and someway, as difficult as it is for me to “wrap my arms” around, it may, it just may also be “divine intervention”!