• Virginia, USA

My “Best List” for 2023 (Part 2)

Best Burger–Glory Days Grill 10466 Ridgefield Parkway Richmond 23233 A Far West End popular sports bar serving an excellent burger and doing so for over 25 years. Several Classic 8-ounce Burger options all day Monday and until 3 PM Tuesday-Friday for only $7.99. Not only is this burger big, but it’s also juicy and cooked to order which means La […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! It’s the holiday filled with tradition that’s not about giving or receiving, but just about family and, of course, eating too much! I love Thanksgiving, not for any recent established traditions, but for the family traditions “back in the day” growing up in Arlington, VA. My father was a prolific high school athlete attending GW […]

The Date that Lives in “Infamy” for ME

It’s still so surreal the vivid memory forever etched in my mind of that day 60 years ago today when Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. FDR, in his speech before a joint session of Congress on December 8, 1941, which led to our finally entering WWII, referred to the surprise attack on […]

Has Taking Down Statues and Changing the Names of Military Installations, Buildings, Schools, and Streets Cured Racism in America?

Of course not!! In fact, changing the names of military installations, buildings, schools, and streets has most likely increased racism in America. It reminds me of the thousands of times throughout my life I’ve said something thinking it was the right thing to do and for me to feel better. Well, did I feel better–for only a minute or two. […]

My “Best List” for 2023 (Part 1)

Each year you see a number of “Best & Worst” lists for the year, so I decided to create my own list, but concentrate on just what I consider to be the “best of the best” for 2023. Not saying it’s totally inclusive, just saying it’s what came to mind and is being displayed randomly and in no particular order, […]

When Confused–Just Say It’s 2023!

As the years go by, I become more confused, but I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not because of me, but because of everything else around me. “Back in the day”, I was seldom confused as everything was “normal”. Today, and especially since what occurred in 2020, the term “new normal” has reappeared replacing the term “normal” which to me […]

Which Are You? Eagle or Duck

Being a “Type A” workaholic, I enjoyed, what I’ve been told, was an extremely successful 50-year professional career although, personally, that could be up for some considerable debate. The first 30 years were spent in the supermarket and supercenter industry, while these final 20 years were in professional livery service. I’ve been known as both the Grocery Guy and the […]

Life’s Influencers

“Back in the day”, as I was growing up early on, my life’s influencers were the cement which kept those initial building blocks intact and solidly bound together. As a teenager, additional influencers were added to strengthen the existing foundation, and finally as a young adult and onward, more influencers came to the forefront to reinforce what was already in […]