• Virginia, USA
My Legacy

My Legacy

Folks, I’ve been fortunate enough to have enjoyed a wonderful Spring and Fall in my lifetime. Hey, Summer was good, make no mistake about it, but my priorities were out of sync as I was sipping the “corporate Kool-Aid” thinking I was doing important work until I matured and realized it was just a job. Now, I certainly realize being in the Winter of my life hoping it’s long enough for our grandson, Master M, to remember me.

We’re not there yet as he’s just turned two. Some experts say he needs to be at five years of age before he’ll have a vivid memory of you. I hate to think my Winter will only last three more years as my goal is to do what I can to remain healthy, but as we all know tomorrow is never promised. It’s especially challenging not being able to have any certainty as I’m a “control freak” knowing now how completely out of control I am at this stage of my life.

I feel pretty good about my “dash”, but, not to be morbid, I’ve been thinking about my legacy–or how I’ll be remembered. You know, we’re not on this Earth very long and your being in the memory of those left behind is for a short time as well–then you’ll be forgotten. Our family is very small with The King and Baby Bear, Big Red, and Master M–that’s it! La Bear and I doubt The King will have any children which means he’s the last male to carry on the Baby Boomer’s name ending a time which has been traced, by my grandfather, back to the Mayflower and the First Families of Virginia and Master M will then be our only grandchild.

I’ve made La Bear promise that she’ll take at least one more breath than me. I know I couldn’t last a day without La Bear and life without her is totally unconscionable. We’re about to celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary and she’s my everything as I’m more in love with her today than I was yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. She’s my confidant and best buddy!

Let’s be honest, we don’t get around as well as we used to, everything is a bit more difficult, a nap every now and again is welcome, and not only do we go to bed a bit earlier, but we also like to sleep in a bit longer. Our calendar is full, but not with fun things, it’s with doctor’s appointments. As grandparents, “Gammy” and “Gampy” (The King calls me “Gimpy”) we are smitten by Master M. Family is everything!! We dearly love our children, but it’s Master M whom we can’t wait to see and be with–he’s it 100%! In reality, it’s having the opportunity to be with him and see him almost every day which primarily keeps us going. My biggest fear, though, is he won’t remember us, but it’s also my greatest motivation. La Bear says there’s nothing like being with Master M, Biggs, and Bitsy and, of course, that’s because they don’t talk back.

My legacy will only be remembered by my family and only for as long as they shall live. Hey, I’m not famous nor am I going to be famous as I won’t cure cancer, create world peace, or solve hunger worldwide. I’m not going to have buildings or schools or streets named after me, I won’t be in textbooks, I’m not going to write a book which will be on the NY Times Bestseller List, nor write any songs everyone will sing year after year for generations.

I don’t have a “bucket list”, I’ve become a really simple person. I don’t enjoy extravagant trips or vacations, the best hotels, or 5-star dining. Deep sea fishing, hunting for big game, and being amongst the rich and famous ain’t for me. Yep, sitting on the front porch in my rocking chair with La Bear (holding hands), Master M, and our “girls” overlooking the meadow at The Compound seeing the beautiful blue skies filled with majestic puffy clouds is as good as it gets–yes, the simple and best things in life are free!

We come into this world with nothing and we leave this world with nothing. For me, there will be no obituary, no funeral service, no “celebration of life”, and if I don’t donate myself to science I’ll simply be cremated. Being an agnostic, I believe there is no heaven where eternal life exists–when you die, you’re dead and that’s the end of it all!

My hope, though, is that my legacy will be fulfilled when our children will say my family was everything, I lived a life that was well-lived, I was honest, had high moral standards, and unquestioned integrity with the bottom line being I tried to be just a good man.

“A Typical Day in the Simple Life”–A Poem

This day, like all days, is good–very good!

It was certainly cool and crisp when I grabbed our little man this AM,

Looking dapper as he always does,

We headed to The Compound to be with Gammy and the girls–Biggs and Bitsy,

Who adore Master M, but abhor him as well.

He runs, and runs, and runs working up an appetite.

Breakfast is served and it’s his favorite meal,

A sausage patty along with French toast and a waffle.

A diaper change and a cup of milk and it’s nap time–sweet dreams, Master M.

When he awakens we’re hoping he’s happy–sometimes YES and sometimes NO.

Another diaper change and the runner runs,

Enjoying a snack at times and at times not.

Maybe there’s time for a short swing.

But now, it’s time to take him to his Daddy,

And he’s raring to go.

The afternoon is bright and warm,

A perfect setting to take Master M home.

Even those days which may be cloudy and rainy,

Are brightened by the presence of Master M.

This day, like all days, is good–very good!

Thanks to our little man!

Now, we hope for another good day tomorrow!